
Xtu is a framework for implementing Platform specific models (PSM) using the xUML (Executable UML) methodology. xUML is a (the only?) formalized methodology for information systems design and development using Model based systems engineering (MBSE).

The targeted platform is single or multithreaded C/C++ environment, utilizing C++11 and STL. The Xtu PSM is implemented at a similar level of abstraction as as the xUML Platform independent model (PIM). It is thus straight forward to convert a given PIM to its PSM counter part. The level of abstraction also helps to incorporate Xtu in a code generation solution. Extensive use of templates provides a high-level of type safety at compile time as well as optimizations.

Xtu is licensed under LGPL and distributed as source code only.


Nov 26th, 2021
Version 3.0.0 released

June 7th, 2021
Version 2.0.0 released

Mar 22nd, 2021
Version 1.0.0 released.

Nov 26th, 2020
The Xtu-site goes live.